I’m Greg. I’m not a professional writer, but writing has always been a dream pursuit. If you read something by me you like, feel free to let me know. If you see something you completely disagree with, I’m always up for a good discussion or debate. Just because I said it, doesn’t make it right (unless it’s about sports).

I’m a fan of the liberal arts education, as I feel it trains young minds to think, to question the world around them, and to speak and write clearly and effectively. I feel what writing ability I’ve been sitting on for decades was fostered by my liberal arts education. I have a masters degree, but too many people who have advanced or professional degrees seek reverence as a result of their studies. I don’t want to be one of those people, so that’s all I’ll say about that aspect of my existence. I am a fan of fairness and decency, and feel the disharmony and division we see in the US, and really the world, gives us a view of what the dissolution of society and the end of civilization will look like.

I’m a Black man. Which is a difficult thing to be in some segments of American society. I’ll stop there.

Perhaps most important of all, I am a Christian, a Bible-believing Christ-follower, and I wish we all were. But I do not disparage you your faith should it differ from mine. There’s always room for civil discourse on our similarities and differences, whatever we’re discussing.

That’s all for now. Have a nice day.